CROSS BONES 3 – Out Now!

Dead Living Men Tell No 3 Tales!

Avast, ye landlubbers and scallywaggers — a new book has made landfall! It’s Cross Bones 3: The Hottest Dogs, the third (and final?) book in the series of punny pirate adventures illustrated by Chris Kennett and written by ME.

Cross Bones 3 was a joy to write; it might actually have been the easiest time I’ve had writing a book since The Vampire Knife, way back in 2015. Part of that ease came from the many clues and narrative titbits that Chris and I have been setting up across the previous two volumes — the story was always building to a grand, catty conclusion, and so when the moment came the end of the story was ready to come gushing out. I think swapping the oceans and rivers of the first two books for a huge, windswept desert also helped, as the brand new location brought with it an opportunity for brand new jokes. I’m still amused by the sequence early on where Ed wastes all the fluids aboard on a water-themed feast, which immediately leads into another amusing sequence where the thirsty dogs hallucinate in the heat. It’s just as silly as ever, but with a nice new (Danger)lick of paint.

It was also convenient that I visited Morocco in the middle of 2022, just before I wrote the book, so images of gigantic sand dunes and towering desert fortresses were fresh in my mind. I really love North Africa (I already visited Egypt way back in 2010) so it was exciting to write a book inspired by that wild part of the world.

Cross Bones 3 wraps up the big mystery we began back in book one, with the dogs finally reckoning with the true identity of their secretive Spymaster — but is this really the end for our hairy heroes? The answer is… probably yes. I wouldn’t have minded opening up a new can of worms and writing a fourth adventure, but these chunky books are already competing for space in a very crowded genre, and from a marketing perspective it might be best to commit to a trilogy rather than outstaying our welcome. But, who knows! If we do get offered a fourth book I’m sure Chris and I will be able to chase down our tails a great new idea. The series has also just launched in Italy and Spain, with Denmark on the way, so we’re incredibly excited that readers from around the world will soon be voyaging off with our daring dogs.

What I can confirm is that this definitely won’t be the last time you hear from me and Chris, as our next project together is already underway. The full announcement won’t be for a while, but if you’re a fan of our particular mix of ridiculous stories and even ridiculous-er cartoons, rest assured that we’ll have some more wild books for you (somewhat) soon!

That’s all for now. I’m so proud of this series, and I’m so glad we got to create this conclusion. I hope you like it!

Family Road Trip Games – Out Now!

My non-fiction debut!

I’ll be first to admit I have a really weird job. Every night I sit at my desk and play around with story ideas, throwing in vampires and pirates and ghosts and ghouls and seeing what sticks. The goal is to find an idea that excites me enough to write it all the way through to the end — and hopefully excite a publishing team as well.

Normally I write spooky fairy tales, or grand pirate adventures: high-stakes narrative fictions that aim to get kids hooked on reading. But early on in 2022, probably while pining for the travel opportunities I’d missed during the pandemic years, I decided to do something completely different.

“I know a lot of travel games,” I thought to myself. “And I know a lot of great trivia questions too. What if I wrote them all down?”

So I did. It was exciting. When I finally sent it away, the publishing team at Hardie Grant Explore got excited by it too. And now it’s a book!

As mentioned in the Insta post above, I really like games. My favourite social occasions are the ones spent shuffling cards or deducing hidden identities; if you ever ask me who my personal heroes are, I’ll enthusiastically tell you about a German man named Reiner Knizia who has designed over 700 games, including what I believe are some of the greatest games of all time. (The Quest for El Dorado is my #1 — but let’s not get distracted.)

I love games so much that I never want to be caught without one, which is how I came to know so many travel games: more than 60 of them, in fact! My definition of a travel game is one that requires no components whatsoever: all you need are the rules in your head, so you can start playing them whenever and wherever you like. Bored in the backseat of a car? Feeling weary on the last leg of a long hike? Searching for an activity at home that doesn’t involve screen time? Look no further than a travel game!

I’m also so, so proud of the trivia section at the back of the book. My favourite sort of quiz question is one where the answer is surely somewhere in my head, and so the challenge is to sort through and find it — like, which three countries begin with the letter V? Family Road Trip Games contains over 200 questions just like that, designed to be savoured and mulled over by a group on the move. Keep an eye on my Instagram if you want to sample some more questions for free, as I’ll be posting some more of them there soon.

Anyway: this book is on sale NOW! Buy a copy for your glove box to add some spice to your next road trip, and then come back here and let me know which game you liked best. I also think it’s a pretty nifty gift book, as getting bored in transit is a fairly universal experience — so please feel free to buy a copy for your friends and family as well!

And that’s all for now. Happy reading, and bon voyage!

CROSS BONES 2 – Out Now!

A skullduggerous sequel.

Ahoy there, mateys! Keep a sharp lookout today, for a brand new book is ready to launch: Cross Bones 2: The Dog With Two Tails!

The Cross Bones series is a celebration of classic adventure fiction, and this second volume delves into the “jungle” subgenre, trading the high-seas high jinks of the first book for a treacherous river cruise. On this quest our intrepid dogs will explore torchlit temples, clash with big jungle cats, and even compete in a horse race commentated by frogs. You know — those three classic tropes!

Canine cartoonist Chris Kennel Kennett is also back on board, and if you thought his work on book one was good, then strap yourself in — you ain’t seen nothing yet! Chris truly went above and beyond on this second volume, filling the pages with thrills, spills, and so many rabbits. I’m not sure how many rabbits it was reasonable for me to ask Chris to draw, but I definitely must have got my numbers mixed up at some point.

I’m so proud of this silly sequel, and especially the ways it tips its fedora to Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, which is my favourite sequel (or prequel) of all time. If you enjoyed book one then I genuinely think you’ll love this one too — and if you haven’t read book one yet, you’re in for a treat, because now you can read these two adventures back to back! Wow-ee — you sir are luckier than 128 rabbits’ feet!

I’m also very happy to confirm that Cross Bones 3 is in full production: the words have already been written, and Chris will be starting the drawings very soon. There’s a clue to the plot at the end of book two, but I’m afraid I’ll have to desert you here before I give away too many details. We’ll be hoping to launch the third adventure in March 2024, so you’ve got plenty of time to catch up on books one and two — hooray!

And that’s all she wrote. May your sails be trimmed and your butts be scuttled. I’ll see you again in August!

CROSS BONES 1 – Out Now!


This update is all in the headline. My new series launches in Australia TODAY, so if you’re interested in buying 219 pages of fully-illustrated junior fiction, featuring pirates and ships and icebergs and piranhas and a creepy wolverine and a secret spy and SO MANY JOKES, then you can go and do that RIGHT NOW!

Cross Bones has been a joy to work on from start to finish, and I’m so proud of the book that Chris and I are sending out into the world. And, if you want to hear some crazy stories about how we created this crazy book, a crazy man named Ken Williams asked us a bunch of questions about it for his podcast, Reading With a Chance of Tacos! You can search for it wherever you listen to podcasts, or just click that link to go straight there.

And that’s the post! Go grab yourself a copy of this beautiful, funny book, then come back and tell me what you think. (Hurry! I’ll be waiting.)


Coming Soon: CROSS BONES!


I wrote a new book! Heck, I wrote a new series! It’s coming out soon! You can pre-order it now! There aren’t enough exclamation marks in the world to sum up how exciting this is!

Phew. Okay. Let’s take a breath and tackle this as logically as we can. Let’s answer five questions together, one at a time, so that everyone is up to speed:

1. What’s your new book called?

Great question! My new series is called Cross Bones, and the first book in the series is called A Dog’s Breakfast. Hooray!

2. What’s your new series about?

Great question! Cross Bones is a series about five dodgy, doggy pirates, who also happen to be very best friends: Magnus Thunderump (the captain), Daisy Dangerlick (the first mate), Eduardo Muttonchop (the cook), Spot (the cabin boy), and the mysterious Rover Goodpup (the Spymaster). The sea dogs are setting sail on a new adventure in the hope of un-burying some buried treasure — but first they’ll have to survive all the terrible dangers the ocean can throw at them, like a pirate octopus, and a pirate beaver, and an entire sea filled with nasty, gnashing teeth. (Also, just between you and me, that Rover Goodpup seems a bit suspicious. I wonder if we’ll find out why?)

Don’t be too scared, though — for the most part, Cross Bones is a silly pirate caper, filled with jokes and misadventures. It was heaps of fun to write, and I hope it’ll be heaps of fun to read as well.

3. Who drew the pictures?

Great question! Incredibly, the pictures in this book are drawn by Chris Kennett (@crikeyboy), who is one of the most brilliant kid-lit illustrators working in Australia today. Chris has illustrated every single page of this new series, and through his talent and hard work, every character and scene looks even better than I imagined it. Actually, if I’m completely honest, Chris is almost too good to work with, because now I feel bad about making him draw “100 sea monsters” or “1,000 pirate ships” or whatever crazy thing I think of for the sea dogs to do next. (I’m a bit worried I might make him sprain his wrist.)

But really, look at that cover. How lucky am I to work with an artist who can draw a cover like that? (Oops, that’s an extra question — just ignore that one!)

4. Who is your favourite pirate?

Great question! From real life, I always loved the story of Edward Teach (Blackbeard) swinging into battle with fire and smoke pouring out from under his hat. From movies, I loved the swagger of Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. But my favourite, favourite pirates are the heroic trio from the Griffin Pirate Stories, a series of school readers written by Sheila K. McCullagh in the 1970s. Roderick the Red, Gregory the Green, and Ben the Blue are the pirates who made me love pirates, and I have the fondest memories of the adventures they shared together: meeting griffins, finding magic candles, and always hunting for even more rubies, emeralds, and sapphires. It is such a delight to me that now, more than 20 years after I read those books, I get to write my very own pirate story too.

5. This all sounds too good to be true! When can I buy your new book?

Great question! The very first Cross Bones book (A Dog’s Breakfast) launches on July 20, 2022 — but you can pre-order that book right now! Click on this link to head to the Hardie Grant Children’s Publishing website, which has a great big list of retailers who’ll help get you the book as soon as possible. Alternatively, swing past your local bookshop and ask them to order the book for you instead!

Pre-ordering this book is an especially good idea because the first print run will feature the special edition die-cut porthole cover! I have absolutely no idea how many of these covers are going to be printed, but pre-ordering the book is the best way to guarantee you end up with one in your mangy paws. Have you ever tried to look at something while reading the first page of a book but had your line of sight blocked by a pesky solid cover? That won’t be a problem with this bad boy, believe me!

That’s it! That’s all the news! But it turns out there are still some exclamation marks left! Thanks for reading, friend — take some of these remaining marks with you, and have a great day!!!!!

The Giant Key – Out Now!

The end is nigh.

And just like that, it was over.

The Witching Hours is a funny old series. The first five books are mostly episodic — which is to say, their stories are self-contained. You can start reading about Anna and Max at book three or book four and you’ll mostly understand what’s going on. But after five huge adventures, it didn’t feel like The Giant Key could be just another episode. It had to tie back to all those previous stories, and address every mystery I’d ever left unsolved. It had to be gigantic.

It could perhaps be said that I took that last part a bit too literally.

The Giant Key is a big, wild, bombastic book. It has several weird, hallucinatory chapters, as well as the most wicked magics that have ever been seen in the series. I’m also pretty sure it has more characters in it than the other five books combined. To research the dastardly enchantments I read Algernon Blackwood’s story The Wendigo, as well as the wonderfully witchy Malleus Maleficarum. Come to think of it, I might have even re-read Roald Dahl’s The Witches while I was writing book six, but I’m sure you won’t notice any scenes inspired by a novel as famous as that.

Looking back, I’m grateful that I got to spend one last book with Anna and Max, in a fairy tale world that existed long before I was born. The folkloric monsters that I used in The Witching Hours feel like toys that have been handed down across generations, and I’m so thrilled that I got the chance to play with the vampire, and the troll, and the genies, and the mermaids, and the dragon, and the giant. I hope I took good care of them.

Anna and Max are fairly archetypal too, but there are little bits of me in both of them, which is why I’m sad to leave them behind. I’ll always kind of know what they did next, and what other monsters they met, but none of those thoughts will ever be published in book form. Maybe if I get nostalgic enough I’ll write a new short story and post it here on an anniversary date, just for myself and whoever else is reading this blog. Who knows!

Luckily for me, those folkloric monsters aren’t the only things I want to play with in the grand toy box of fiction. Now that Anna and Max have reached their happy (?) ending, there are brand new worlds for me to explore, filled with more of the things I loved reading about when I was a kid — and, if I’m completely honest, the things I still love reading about today. I think it’s going to be quite fun.

But you don’t have to worry about that yet. Unless you devoured the whole thing literally today, there is one last book of The Witching Hours to read. Beware the graveyard on page 18. Remember that on page 41, the library wall might not be as secure as you think. And really, the less said about page 92, the better!

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading, and stay safe. Happy witching!

The Witching Hours in the USA

Helpful tips for far away readers.

Howdy, United States readers! This is a message for you and you only. If you’re not from the US, look away now!

As you may know, my first book (The Vampire Knife) was released in the US in September 2018. Unfortunately for any readers who enjoyed book one, the rest of the Witching Hours series has had a much trickier time reaching the States. I don’t have any control over how my books are sold overseas, but here is the best info I have for tracking the rest of the series down!

Firstly: as of Fall 2020, a publishing house called Trafalgar Square has signed on to distribute book two (The Troll Heart) in the US. Hooray! Their email address is <> and the phone number for their customer service team is (800) 888-4741. If you pass that information on to your local bookshop or library, then hopefully they’ll be able to source you a fresh new copy of my terrifying second tale.

Secondly: if you Google with tenacity, and if you don’t mind paying for shipping, there are a number of Australian bookshops that will happily send you some of my books in the post. Book three (The Genie Rings) is quite hard to find anywhere, but Abbey’s currently has books 1-4 in stock, and Boomerang Books always seems to have a good range. I can’t maintain a live list of which stores have my books and which stores don’t, but for now, all of my books are still in circulation if you search hard enough!

[EDIT: Thirdly: a very kind reader has emailed me to let me know that eBooks can also be accessed in the States! Books 1-3 are all available on Google Play. Thanks a bunch, MacKenzie!]

I hope this information helps you track down some more of my scary stories. Good luck, and happy witching!

An Update on Book Six

Gigantic news?

Hello! How are you? Quite a year we’re having, isn’t it?

I often forget that I have a website, and as a result of this, I also forget to share helpful information. But I remembered my website tonight, and so here is some information you might be looking for: the sixth (and final!) Anna and Max book, titled The Giant Key, is scheduled for release in Australia on February 1, 2021. It would have been released earlier, but things got a bit weird this year, and we really don’t need any monstrous fairies making things even weirder.

But next year… well, in 2021, Anna and Max’s lives are going to get very weird indeed. I wish I could tell you about the hidden study, or the bone doll, or the thing that happens when Anna steps into the lake. But I can’t. It’s top secret. You’ll just have to be patient.

The Giant Key is coming. I hope it will be worth the wait.

Happy witching!

Witches 24

The Dragon Crown – Out Now!

Into the dragon’s lair.

The Witching Hours series lurched to life in 2015, in a series of scribbles made at the back of my university notebook. Writing in bright purple ink, I detailed all the horrifying things that could happen to Anna and Max, “the Crypt Kids,” listing all the steps of their adventure in Transylvania. I didn’t know if anyone other than me would ever read the story — didn’t know if I’d even succeed in writing it. But halfway down the page, I made a very specific note. It was a reference to a moment in a future book: a fourth sequel to a novel I hadn’t even started writing. It was exciting. It was ridiculous.

Three years and four books later, over the summer of 2018, I finally wrote that scene.

There was something pleasantly inevitable about writing The Dragon Crown. Book four had been a challenge: a collection of great scenes that took immense effort to fashion into a cohesive whole. In contrast, writing book five was a pleasure. No book has zipped along for me as quickly as The Vampire Knife did, but The Dragon Crown came close, always leading me easily into the next scene. Each time Anna fell, I knew where she would land.

And, best of all, at the end of chapter 12, is that scene, the one I wrote down in bright purple ink. I was utterly delighted to get there, and I hope any other readers who’ve followed the series this far will be delighted (and terrified) as well.

Book five also marked a return to my usual research process, which may also help explain why it came so readily along. Before writing The Vampire Knife, I read all of The Complete Grimm’s Fairy Tales; the next year, before writing The Genie Rings, I read as many of The Arabian Nights as I could get my hands on. To prepare for book five I read Monkey, the English translation of the seminal Chinese novel Journey to the West — and gosh was it fun. The opening sections were a bit slow, dealing as they do with the creation of the titular Monkey; but by the time the grand quest to obtain the sacred scriptures gets underway, this book becomes a blast. I loved reading five-hundred-year-old fairy tales that I’d never seen before, like the tale of the terrible goldfish king waiting beneath the frozen river, or the story of the farmhand Pigsy, whose appearance becomes more monstrous the longer he works. The book is jam-packed full of monsters and magic spells, and I stole a whole bunch of them to put in my own Chinese adventure: keep your eyes peeled for mentions of drowsy insects, magic winds, and some of the worst headaches imaginable.

The publication of The Dragon Crown also means that there’s only one book left in The Witching Hours. I feel sad that the series will soon be at an end, and I feel worried, too — because the events of book five have left Anna and Max more vulnerable than ever before. There are other scribbles in my old notebooks. I know some of the terrible things that are going to happen next.

This week, I will write the final chapter of book six. Will Anna and Max survive their last adventure? Will they make it out of those dark American woods, having avoided the colossal creature lurking within? I hope so. I’ve spent a lot of time with Anna and Max over the last five years, and it would be a shame to see them fall at the final hurdle.

But then again — some monsters have gigantic appetites.

Happy witching!

Witches 22


The Mermaid Wreck – Out Now!

A horrific homecoming.

One night last year, in the very early hours of the morning, I took a short break from writing my fourth book. I got up from my desk and walked into the bathroom, and was immediately startled by a very large huntsman spider clinging to the wall.

Despite their fearsome size, huntsman spiders are not venomous, and so I decided to carry the spider outside using my hands. After taking a deep breath, I grabbed the spider off the wall and trapped it between my palms, wincing as it scuttled around against my skin. Its legs were as thick as toothpicks.

But there’s another fact about huntsman spiders that I didn’t know at the time. While it’s true that they’re not venomous, their fangs never stop growing, and so the largest huntsman spiders have very big fangs indeed. And so, when this particular spider sunk its gigantic fangs into my flesh, it really, really hurt. I tried not to cry out as I ran to the back door, turning the handle with my elbows, throwing the spider into the darkness as far as I possibly could.

When I looked down at my hand, there was blood dripping down my finger.

I thought I’d open this post with my awful spider story to help communicate what a tricky novel book four was to write. There were some chapters that whizzed along in an adrenaline-fuelled blur, with all the confidence of a brave man scooping a huntsman off a wall; and then there were other chapters that felt like colossal mistakes, like a very foolish man realising he’s just picked up a massive, hairy, long-fanged spider. I hit so many dead ends that I sometimes wondered how Anna and Max could possibly escape the book in one piece; some nights would fly past without a single word being added to the story, the children forced to keep facing the same deadly peril.

But I finished. The bad times ended in an instant, and suddenly I had a new book: a story so dark, so spooky, that it was almost certainly Anna and Max’s most terrifying adventure yet. I had vanquished the spider. The Mermaid Wreck was ready to enter the world.

The Mermaid Wreck is the first of my books to take place in my home country, Australia, and now that it’s been published, I honestly could not be prouder of it. Throughout the writing process, I was determined to prove that an Australia beach could be scary enough to match the fairy-tale otherness featured in the series thus far: that it could be as creepy as a Transylvanian wood, or as desolate as an Iranian desert. At the same time, setting the novel by the seaside gave me the opportunity to probe some fears I hadn’t been able to use in the series before. Despite being Australian, I’ve never much liked the beach; I therefore took great pleasure in writing scenes featuring sharks and shipwrecks, churning waters and hidden rip-tides, revelling in all the things people fear when they step into the sea.

And there’s also a mermaid. I don’t want to say too much about her, for fear of spoiling the book for anyone who hasn’t read it, but I can confidently say that Sylvie is my favourite fairy so far. Writing her scenes was always a pleasure, and I truly hope we’ll see her toothy smile again before the series is through.

And that’s all I have to say on the matter. The Mermaid Wreck is the fourth book in The Witching Hours series, and it’s available in Australian bookshops right now. If you’re a young reader who thinks they might be brave enough to read it, then I wish you the very best of luck – and in the scariest of moments, when it feels like a spider might be caught between your fingers, I hope you’ll have the courage to see it through.

Happy witching!

Witches 21


(PS: If you’ve already read book four, then please be advised that book five isn’t too far away – it’s already been written, and should be arriving in Australian bookshops in October. Come back then to hear more about Anna and Max’s next adventure, high in the mountains of China!)